


GabrielaRiosh is a 19 years old young woman, she speaks english.
GabrielaRiosh has long brown hair and brown eyes, her body is athletic, she has average height and her weight is average.

GabrielaRiosh says "Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Gabriela. Although my name and appearance may suggest sweetness, I have a surprisingly bold side. My personality may seem serious and my face somewhat expressionless at first, but don't be fooled. I can quickly transform into a person full of desires and lust, capable of immersing myself in steamy and noisy environments. I let myself be carried away by situations, but I am determined in my choices. My appearance is just a strategy; Do not be fooled by appearances.".

Her turn-on: "I really like sunsets, I enjoy smelling good, it gives me a feeling of superiority, I am not afraid to say my opinions when the situation requires it.".

GabrielaRiosh charges 0.98 credits/min for her live private webcam show in her Livejasmin chat room.

GabrielaRiosh was online 5 months and 3 weeks ago.

Last update: 2024-08-21 21:16:48 UTC
